Saturday, July 25, 2015

Little Piece of Hope

Hello all you lovely little flowers, I hope you're having a wonderfully amazing summer. Yesterday Aubrey took me to downtown Ann Arbor, it was super cute and I loved it. We went to Urban Outfitters and a few boutiques, and everything was so expensive I got depressed and almost cried (I didn't actually cry.) We went to an adorable cafe called Lab, and we got iced green tea lattes (like always.) Also, we went to Graffiti Alley and I fell in love with it because who wouldn't. I walked into the alley and almost had a heart attack, but thats just the artist inside of me. I will not be leaving Michigan on Tuesday because I am permanently living here forever. Surprise! Not really though... My adventures with my cousin these past 3 weeks have been so much fun, we have done so many things it has definitely been one of the greatest summers. So thanks to all of you wonderful people I am 140 views away from 1,000!!! I am so very happy, thank you all so much for being supportive and viewing my blog even if I'm not consistent with my posting.


So this wasn't a fashion post this week but let these photos be an inspiration for you to go outside and find some cool art and drink iced green tea lattes! 

I love you all 
Thank you for being amazing humans 

angela xo 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

5,000 candles in the wind

Today's post is going to be mostly photos, because Aubrey and I decided we were watching too much parks and recreations (hence the title of my post) also theres no such thing as too much parks and rec) and eating too many salt and vinegar chips (theres no such thing as too many.) Anywho, we did a photoshoot and we both looked really tan and that made me excited. We also went to the mall and siri had no idea how to get there so that was annoying. 

Just an update on my life, I made the decision to go to public school for my last two years. yay :)


I got my shirt from Aubrey and she got it at pac sun 
my shorts are from delia's 
 and Aubrey is wearing a shirt from anthropologie 

adios amigos 

angela xo